Meet Asheville NC Dentist Chris Sparks DDS

Dr. Chris Sparks is an Asheville, NC, dentist who brings his years of education and expertise to treat his patients comfortably. Dr. Sparks received his undergraduate education from UNC-Chapel Hill before attending the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Chris Sparks is a dentist in Asheville, NC.

“I love being able to interact with people in meaningful ways that will benefit their overall well-being, and dentistry allows me to do just that.”

Dr. Sparks enjoys the Asheville music scene, French Broad River, and hiking trails that he explores with his Australian shepherd, Bella. He is a fan of the UNC Tarheels and the Carolina Panthers. Dr. Sparks also loves playing tennis, golf, and other sports. At East Carolina, he was awarded the first-ever Intramural Ironman title, having won the most intramural championships over the course of the year.